Novelli Photography
FOLK NAMES: Tree of Life
POWERS ASSOCIATE: Longevity, age, fertility
-In many cultures the Ginkgo tree is considered “brain food” and used in different recipes because the leaf resembles a hemisphere of the brain.
-The Gingko tree can live to be extremely old, over 1000 years or more, and is the only tree that has survived unchanged since the age of dinosaurs.
-The Gingko trees are very resilient. One growing next to a temple in Hiroshima withstood atomic bombing. It was less than a mile away from the site.
-The leaves of the Ginkgo are used in healing rituals.
-Bark of the Gingko can be carried for healing.
-Ginkgo is often used at births to ensure long life.
-Ginkgo is also used at deaths to carry the deceased to a peaceful afterlife.
-Sometimes Ginkgo seeds are used in place of Lotus seeds at weddings.
-Legend says that if a girl sits under a male Ginkgo tree on a moonlit night and combs her hair, her wishes will come true.